HR Proactive Inc. has developed this training module to compliment other anti-harassment/discrimination programs on unconscious bias and microaggressions.

We all have a role to play in contributing to a diverse and inclusive workplace. This E-Learning Module is designed to promote understanding of how the subtle, often unintentional assumptions we make every day influence our actions and impact our co-workers and working environment.

By the end of this training, you will be able to:

  • Define unconscious bias and microaggressions.
  • Identify examples of how unconscious bias and microaggressions can impact others.
  • Utilize strategies that will help you to examine your own biases and mitigate the influence of unconscious bias in the workplace.

Unconscious biases and microaggressions may not significantly affect every single interaction or decision, but their cumulative effects over time can cause unintended harm to others. It is important to remember that while we all have unconscious biases, they can be changed by examining our own personal beliefs, values, attitudes, and perceptions.

Unless we learn how to disrupt our unconscious bias, we may intentionally give better treatment to people from certain groups over others.  In addition, since our unconscious bias tends to be ingrained, it takes work to unlearn. 

Fortunately, our unconscious bias can be changed, and this inner work benefits our decision-making, our relationships, and our interactions in the workplace and beyond.


HR Proactive Inc. offers several options to train employees, quickly, easily and cost-effectively.

HR Pro Hosted LMS

HR Pro Hosted LMS

Your own branded Training Platform

SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File

SCORM Training File to upload to your Learning Management System

Streaming Service

Streaming Service

Streaming Service Platform with offline options

Virtual Training

Virtual Training

For 5-100+ Participants. Virtual Custom Meetings

HR Proactive Inc. is here to assist you with your company's training needs.

Contact us today. We can help.

Ask Us About Our Cultural Initiative Training Bundle

Unconscious Bias in the Workplace training can be implemented as part of a cultural initiative and enhanced with other related topics including Bystander Intervention and Respect in the Workplace training.

Contact Us Today

Our Cultural Initiative Training Bundle Includes: Unconscious Bias in the Workplace, Bystander Intervention and Respect in the Workplace Training Courses available in SCORM format or LMS.
Email Us for Details

Unconscious Bias & Microaggressions Training
For Today’s Diverse Workplace

Easily implement customizable, compliant, and engaging unconscious bias and microaggressions training to support a commitment to a harassment free workplace.


We want to help you build a culture of active bystanders who are trained to deal with the more subtle forms of harassment/ discrimination and are empowered to make a difference.

Instructional Design

In keeping with adult learning principles and written by subject matter specialists; we ensure our training is relevant to today’s diverse workplace and helps build the strategies and skills needed to upstand.

Real-Work Scenarios to make Learning Experiential

On the road from good to great workplaces, improve your culture by empowering employees to proactively recognize, respond, and act on inappropriate comments or conduct when it arises.

Workplace ROI

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Training employees to be the first line of defense against harassment and other inappropriate conduct can help avoid formal complaints and litigation that can be costly to your organization’s reputation and bottom line.
HR Proactive Inc. has been helping employers build respectful workplaces since

Mobile Friendly

All courses can be accessed from a desktop, tablet, or mobile device to offer training where and how you need it.

Training Your Way!

Our microlearning modules can be built for scale and uploaded to your platform in a SCORM file or can be hosted on HR Proactive’s platform where certificates can be printed, learner progress can be tracked, and completion records are easily accessible.

Ask us about uploading our Course Catalogue Content
in SCORM file format to your HRIS/LMS.

Quality Content

The quality breadth and timeliness of content updating is paramount to the learner process.

Learner Engagement

Motivate learners and keep them engaged in the learning experience.

User Experience

Our "People First" system helps you to assign, track, and report employee progress.

Learner Outcomes

Align compliance training with your business outcomes.

Ready to get started?

Ask us about our Mandatory Compliance Training bundle